Tax Enquiry Insurance

The support of former tax inspectors and cover for previous tax years? It’s a done deal.

What is Tax Enquiry Insurance?

Tax Enquiry Insurance gives you expert defence against a range of HMRC tax enquiries. We’ll handle all correspondence with HMRC and cover the defence costs (up to £50,000) so you can be safe in the knowledge that you’ll get the best possible outcome.

Get cover from as little as

£ 8 .25

per month

Tax Enquiry Insurance for the self-employed

Whether you’re a limited company contractor or freelancer operating as a sole trader, if you pay tax then HMRC could enquire into your accounts. This can be time-consuming, stressful, and can come at a heavy price.

HMRC carry out routine checks of tax returns each year, have been known to select returns at random, and hold the power to investigate previous tax years. 

Qdos Tax Enquiry Insurance protects you with both the cost of defence, and by providing the expertise required to handle such an enquiry. It’s offered on a 'claims made' basis. This means that the policy will cover claims which arise and are notified to our claims department whilst cover is in place, regardless of the period of time into which HMRC are enquiring.

Our policy provides you with the expert defence of former tax inspectors and our team of consultants with years of practical experience, so you get the support you need when you need it most.

What does Tax Enquiry Insurance cover?

HMRC Enquiries & Disputes
Enquiries into your corporation tax or income tax self assessment tax return
IR35 Enquiries
Should HMRC open an enquiry in relation to IR35 (Chapter 8 ITEPA 2003)
PAYE Compliance Reviews & Disputes
If HMRC conduct a compliance check or routine inspection of your PAYE
MSC Enquiries
If HMRC open an enquiry under the Managed Service Company legislation
VAT Disputes
Should HMRC raise a dispute following an inspection of your VAT records
Code of Practice 8
Reimbursement if not found guilty of fraud following a COP8 enquiry
Contractor smiling

No tax worries around here

Tax Enquiry Insurance provides up to £50,000 in representation costs for a range of HMRC enquiries suitable for self-employed professionals, but we do more than that:
  • Qdos expert representation is provided as standard
  • Previous tax years are covered
  • We’ll help you take your case to commissioner’s hearing/tax tribunal where necessary (subject to prospects of success)
  • We help you get your tax right at the outset with a free IR35 Contract Assessment. Want to check past contracts too? Upgrade to unlimited assessments during your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tax Enquiry Insurance is a tax investigation policy for contractors, freelancers, and the self-employed. It covers you for up to £50,000 of defence costs in the event of a range of enquiries from HMRC.

The way an enquiry is responded to could make or break an enquiry. In fact, a well handled response to an initial enquiry letter could close down an enquiry before it’s truly begun, whilst a misjudged response could land you deeper in trouble. With Tax Enquiry Insurance, we help you get it right first time. 

Our Tax Enquiry cover allows you to benefit from an expert’s opinion and guidance from the initial enquiry letter until it’s all done and dusted, with a member of our consultancy team handling all of your correspondence with HMRC. This policy covers anything from VAT disputes, Section 660A disputes, and IR35 enquiries. See the policy wording for full details of cover.

Tax Enquiry Insurance is suitable for any self-employed professional, whether you’re a limited company contractor, small business owner, or sole trader/freelancer.

Even with the professional services of an accountant, HMRC can open an investigation into your tax affairs at any given time and often perform routine checks on a percentage of the tax returns they receive each year.

Investigations are no picnic. Whilst HMRC can sometimes be dissuaded with the right approach, often investigations drag on for extended periods of time which can prove stressful for all involved, and consultancy costs can soon mount up.

Tax Enquiry Insurance means there’s an expert on your side ready to handle the dispute from the very first letter, and the costs are covered too.

Yes! Provided you received the letter from HMRC after purchasing your policy, and you’re not claiming for an ongoing investigation, we’ll cover you regardless of the tax year for which the enquiry relates.

Tax Enquiry Insurance is a ‘claims made’ insurance policy. This means that your policy will react if you receive an enquiry letter during the period of your insurance, regardless of the tax years HMRC wish to investigate.

So, if you were to receive an enquiry letter from HMRC relating to a tax return from years ago which predates your insurance policy, you’re still covered.

If you received a Status Determination Statement (SDS) with an 'inside IR35' result from your client for services provided prior to IR35 reform, please get in touch with your account manager. We would need to review your circumstances on a case-by-case basis to confirm cover in this instance.

There are a number of factors which could impact our ability to defend a contractor in an enquiry, but we will always do our best to ensure our customers benefit from their policies.

Please note that this only applies if HMRC enquire into tax years where Chapter 8 of ITEPA 2003 takes effect (prior to 6th April 2021 in the private sector, and 2017 in the public sector).

Please note: the below policy documentation shall apply to all policies starting on or after 18th July.

Why Qdos?
We started as a tax consultancy in 1988 and we still get a kick out of untangling the complex world of tax. Our experts are former tax inspectors with years of experience under their belts to help you fight your corner.
All of our policies include the following as standard:
A dedicated Account Manager
We'll never pass you around a call centre
Online account for 24/7 access
Manage your policies at a time that suits you
Free IR35 Contract Assessment
Because IR35 compliance starts with the written contract

Have a question?

Ask away! One of our team will get back to you

Prefer to talk to us in person?

Call our team on 0116 269 0999 or we can call you back at a time that suits you!